We have adopted a road in Montgomery County & we clean it up 4 to 6 times a year, a team building event for good! Adopt a Road Program, Montgomery County, MD (2014 – present) – The Montgomery County’s Adopt A Road (AAR) program encourages residents (individuals, families, organizations and businesses) to participate in a community activity by keeping roadsides litter free. The AAR program enlists more than 5,000 volunteers who clean over 480 road segments across Montgomery County. The program’s goal is to have unsightly litter removed from roadsides before it reaches local streams or clogs storm drains that feed into local streams, and potentially into the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers and our water supply. Every piece of litter that ends up in our waterways can be problematic to the water quality and disrupt the natural environment.
With the amount of trash littered on County roadsides each day and with MCDOT’s budget constraints (resulting in less mowing and road cleaning) program participation has become increasingly important. Demonstrate your community pride and make a positive statement for a clean and attractive community – help make Montgomery County a “Greener” place to live!